I spent hours making jewelry and beading three wooden boxes for this show. I paid $10 for a half table space, I photographed everything, I put all of my items up on my Web site, I redesigned and printed my business cards, purchased shopping bags and stamped them with "Thank You". I cut squares of multicolored tissue paper to wrap shoppers' purchases. I designed a display that was unique and creative and truly unlike others at the show.
I worked hard.
Shoppers came to my table. Shoppers oooohed and they aaaahed. Shoppers picked up items and exclaimed about their loveliness and creativity to their companions. Shoppers asked questions about my items and they told me how fun they are, how pretty, how creative, how innovative, how....
Shoppers put my items back on my table with loving care and they walked away.
Want to know the best part of the whole day? This is the real kicker! There was a small step in the building. It was a step that was long and low and nondescript. It went around the entire lobby area and shoppers were tripping on it all day despite the valiant attempt of the organizers to mark it and constantly warn people. My 80 year old mom fell down the step and landed on her knees. She didn't break anything, but she did get scraped up pretty bad, and as he day wore on her ankle became quite sore. We kept it elevated and iced, and she thought she was fine. However, when it was time to leave, it was extremely difficult for her to walk on it. The last four hours of our day were spent in the ER.
My mom's blood pressure had sky rocketed, she has a deep tissue bruise on her right ankle, she won't be able to drive for at least a few days, and will need to get around her house with a walker. A good time was had by all.