Much to the embarrassment of my 15 year old daughter, I am not above picking something out of someone's garbage if I think I can make use of it. The window in the picture is an example. Behind each of the panes, I have created a collage of my own photography. Photos of vacations and items I find interesting. The shelf under the window my mom purchased for me. It makes a perfect window sill! I started this project some time ago and finally got around to finishing it and hanging it yesterday. I like the fact that the paint is chipped and pealing. It's exactly the way I found it, sitting out by the road in someone's trash.... only cleaner.
I once picked up an antique chair from the side of the road. I feel as though I rescued it. Much to the shock of my roommate at the time who only saw a filthy, worn, dust ridden old piece of junk in the middle of the kitchen. I was in the process of ripping the old tattered upholstery off when he came in. I was covered in dirt and sneezing from the dust. His exclamation was, "What the HELL is that??" It is definitely very old. I'll save the story for another post.
Recently I picked up two perfectly good wooden serving trays from someone's trash. They are the kind with folding legs, so that if you are fortunate, you might have someone bring you breakfast in bed. Apparently the person who threw them away didn't contemplate any breakfasts in bed any time soon. I plan to mosaic these trays and turn them into something beautiful.
So, my question is, why do people throw perfectly good items out in the trash?? Granted, I have been fortunate enough to come across some cool stuff and do something creative with it. However, I simply don't understand why people throw good things away. There is a Goodwill drop off right here in my town. There are churches and homeless shelters that take donations. Why throw it away when you can give it to someone?
This is something I can relate to only too well. As someone who has experience in the role of marketing, I have spent many hours tryng to figure out how to get people to want the latest, newest thing. Our economy depends heavily on this desire. As you point out, that doesn't necessarily mean we need to throw the old out. Maybe we all need to get better at finding the next user.
ReplyDeleteHi Joe - thanks for commenting on my post! I'm currently taking an economics course and I have learned that Marx believed we would eventually produce enough "stuff" for everyone, therefore capitalism would eventually go away (my simplified version). When you think about it, we do have enough stuff for everyone, yet we throw away much of it because, as you pointed out, we are convinced we need the newest and latest. However, I am guilty of this too! Only the wanting the newest and latest - I give anything I don't want to Goodwill or friends.