Thursday, September 17, 2009

Have your cake and bake it too

The past few days I've been helping out with a university event where staff donate cakes for a "cake race" and the people that run or walk in the race all get their choice of a cake at the end of the race. I've never worked the event before, and did it this time because my friend that usually does it had an accident and needed surgery; I took over her duties at the last minute.

I know people are busy these days, but I was surprised at how many people bought the cakes, or other baked goods, they donated. I'm not complaining mind you, we appreciated ALL of the donations, I simply thought more people would bake for an event like this. Since most of the participants on the race are students, and most of the donations come from faculty and staff, it seems as though students would appreciate home baked items rather than store bought. Just say'n.

On the other hand, students will eat anything. I have learned during my eight years of working at a university that if you want students to come to an event, all you have to do is use the words "FREE FOOD" and they will come in droves. Just say'n.

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